“ The Turkic languages are a homogeneous group of about 20 languages, which are for the most part mutually intelligible. The most important, of course, is Turkish, which accounts for about 40 percent of all Turkic speakers. ”Hariçi?leri Naz?r? Fidan da görü?melerin pe?i s?ra düzenlemi? oldu?u bas?n derneks?nda, “Geldi?imiz a?amada yenilen
En iyi Tarafı Türkiye Belediyeleri
The bright-white terraces of Pamukkale are surely one of the most photographed sites in Türkiye, incongruously gleaming above the rural town like freshly fallen snow.Süflidaki nüfus bilgileri, Türkiye ?statistik Kurumu'ndan al?nm?? olup 2023 y?l? adrese dayal? ki?i ?art sistemi verilerinden olu?maktad?r.Bat? tarafta Veli denizinde yan saha adal